Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Brewers Logo- Why So Great?

I'd never really paid much, if any attention to the Brewer's logo before Ange posted it on our class blog along with a promise of brownie points for whoever could explain what makes it such a great logo. I don't know if I have the answer or not, but I certainly noticed something about the logo I'd never caught before... but before I get to that neat little tidbit, here's the basics. 
It's blue and yellow. So it screams, BREWERS! Duh. It's a baseball mitt and ball. So it screams, BASEBALL!. Duh. Getting a little more technical, it's simple, so it reproduces well at very small or very large sizes. That same fact also makes it easy to remember and recognize instantly. It's also fun & friendly, like baseball should be. The thick lines, rounded shapes, and even the Brewers colors themselves convey those feelings. 

So that's everything I analyzed out of the logo. But there's one more thing that, I think, makes this logo great. And maybe I'm dumb or oblivious for never noticing before, and maybe admitting this will be really embarassing for me once I hit the "publish post" button on this entry, and I'm probably the only Wisconsinite who hadn't noticed..  but here goes....

It's an "M" & a "B"! For Milwaukee Brewers! The mitt!  The team's initials are hidden right in there. The top fingers on the mitt form an "M", and the thumb, palm and ball make a "B". Those sneaky sneaky Brewers... I guess you learn something new everyday. 

1 comment:

Angela Wang said...

I had seen this logo my whole life and never saw the M + B until my dad pointed it out when I was about 16 years old . . . so don't feel bad for not noticing at first glance! Like a great logo, it gives you a reward for looking deeper or having a more intimate connection with it!