Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Company Design- Business Idea

We were each assigned a category from which to create and imaginary business, and I ended up with "technology".
I wanted to find a market of technology that isn't being tapped, which was tricky for me, since I'm not the most tech-savvy person around. I don't know what those Blackberry-carrying, Blue-tooth talking tech connoisseurs want. I also don't know much on the cutting edge scientific side, with all their gene-splicing, photon-splitting, fuel-cell creating genius. I couldn't even tell you how a hybrid cars works. So creating an imaginary technology business?Hmm. Dilemma.

But then I thought, hey, technology doesn't have to be about gadgets and buttons, flashing lights or exploding particles of matter. I can be more simple, practical and down-to-earth than that. So I about ways that I wish I had access to more technology.

I wish I could make my home GREEN.

I know there have been all sorts of innovations that can improve the eco-friendliness of a home. Many of them are as simple as replacing insulation, caulking windows or even buying different lightbulbs. So I did some research, and for the most part, if you want to green your home you have to DIY. Do It Yourself. There's plenty of magazine articles and brochures on how to "green" your home, but not too many businesses that will help you do it. So there was my idea. A home-greening business. So say hello to my project, my baby, for the rest of the semester... "GreenTeam."

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